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Sunday, September 9, 2012

How to Create a website with WORDPRESS?

 Creating a website requires a certain number of criteria, such criteria are more properly deployed during creation of website, the higher the rate to have a better website as a result increases.

the layout of a website is one of the main requirements, because the final status of project website can give a prediction on the success rate of the site (have more visitors), so as a first step creating a web page is the choice of website creation software.

Wordpress is one of the tools to limit to our dilemma, since it is free, and it only requires a little knowledge to use it properly thanks to its  interface, it can be used to generate value to your site.


   The software installation of wordpress  requires prior installation of software that will enable the implementation of a web server as easyphp, xampp .... then decompress the file in the directory wordpress server. even the creation of a database is a very interesting stage to complete the installation of wordpress.

All that is, the system can be executed to access just put the mouse on the tab administration server installed and complete installation information to the end.


Once installation is complete, the fact will allow housing to begin formatting, to make a set of tools are at our disposal as the choice of the template widget, pluging, menu etc. .. .

Whatever the changes in the elements mentioned above, it will be automatically declared at site. One of the main advantages of WordPress is the ability to query the database site with pages having relationship with her, even add and correct stored data.

You can download  wordpress here .

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