making money online from home

make money from home: Work at home: What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Work at home: What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Work at home: What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Nowadays it seems as if everyone is talking about these four words. According to research group IDC, there are about 300,000 agents working now at home in the United States, what is it work from home? According to Wikipedia, work from home may also be referred to as teleworking, e-commuting or telecommuting.

It is a type of work arrangement in which employees are benefiting from the limited flexibility in the workplace as well as hours. In other words, the daily routine that workers feel their workplace is replaced by links and modern telecommunications.

Why do you want to work at home? What are the advantages and disadvantages of working at home on internet?

There might be due to personal reasons, reasons of health, economic reasons or other. Handicapped people or physically challenged, working from home offers great opportunities for mothers to stay at home, military spouses to create gainful employment ...

One of the advantages of working from home is the financial benefits it provides. It eliminates the cost of commuting to work. In this case, you save a lot on expenses such as switching costs of gas, bus tickets, parking tickets and so on. transportation regardless of cost saving, working from home can also save money eating out.

In addition, we would like to exercise at home because of the flexibility and freedom it provides. If you work from home, you will not need to rush to the office and be overwhelmed by the traffic. It eliminates the huge amount of time wasted in driving to and from work every day.

Not only that, you can work at your own pace and set your own schedule.

Therefore, the work of the house is not as stressful as work outside your home. It is more conducive to good relationship with family members that you can be more attentive to your spouse, and more time for your children.

Think twice! What are the challenges and disadvantages of working at home? On the one hand, the challenge of working from home is self extra you need, because nobody will push you to work on your side. There is no supervisor or boss you will criticize you if you put yourself late to work.

Therefore, you will have the good sense and the right personality to work successfully at home. Moreover, there are essential boundaries between work and family commitments. Friends and family members may have a difficult time adjusting to the fact that you need to work while you are at home. Therefore, there could be interruptions and distractions of home, a major disadvantage of working from home.


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