making money online from home

make money from home: Use video to increase your income and sales on the Internet: do you believe it?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Use video to increase your income and sales on the Internet: do you believe it?

Do you know that a simple YouTube video can dramatically increase your conversion rates and skyrocket your profits?

If you want to convince buyers to invest in your product, create a video designed to educate buyers different methods to achieve more sales (this is an example). In fact, creating a video is often much easier for some people (especially those who hate writing).

A well-known marketer used the video to make his list.

John Reese has used the power of viral marketing blog that rush is one of the most used widgets in the blogosphere.

How did he do it?

Well, he just sent people watch his video on how to create a list free from his blog and he has implemented a very simple way for people to register and refer their friends.

Their friends have watched the same video and they did the same thing until almost every blog on the Internet has begun to use blog rush.

He accomplished all this because he had a powerful video that prompted people to take action immediately.

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